Meet the team

Elliot Filer

Elliot Filer

Habilitation Specialist

Elliot Filer is a Qualified Habilitation Specialist with over twenty years of experience working with children who have a visual impairment in both school and community settings. Elliot holds a Graduate Diploma in Habilitation and Disability of Sight in Children and Young People from the Institute of Education at University College London (UCL).

Elliot worked for eleven years at a specialist school for children with visual impairments before moving to a Local Authority Specialist Teaching Team where he has been providing Habilitation support to children in mainstream schools for over ten years and is now the lead for the Habilitation team.

Elliot was invited back to UCL to teach and assess students on the Graduate Diploma in Habilitation and Disability of Sight in Children and Young People and has been doing so for five years.

Elliot also has extensive experience working with children with neurodevelopmental conditions and is trained to administer the ADOS 2 and ADI-R.

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