School Observation

The school observation is an integral part of a neurodevelopmental assessment. To ensure that the assessment complies with the NICE guidelines, children need to be observed in two settings which seeing them in school allows us to do. It is also really helpful to be able to observe their social communication skills when they are alongside their peers and their ability to concentrate in lessons. School staff are also able to provide us with lots of useful information about how your child presents at school. At CATS, school observations are undertaken by Neurodevelopmental Specialists. All our Neurodevelopmental Specialists are therapists or practitioners with extensive training and experience in assessment of Autism, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions.

The school observation usually consists of lesson observation, break or lunch time observation, discussion with school staff and some 1:1 assessment. They can take place in the morning or afternoon. For younger children observed at nursery or in Reception year, 1:1 work is not usually required. It is better if your child is not aware that the observation is taking place as knowing they are being watched can affect the way that some children present. It does then come as a bit of a surprise when the 1:1 work takes place at the end of the session but most children manage well with this, especially when they are reassured that their teacher and parents know that it is happening.

If your child is home educated or attends an alternative educational provision such as a Forest school we can discuss this at your initial assessment to determine how to complete a diagnostic assessment.

school observation

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